Timeriders Wiki

Liam O’Connor should have died at sea in 1912.
Maddy Carter should have died on a plane in 2010.
Sal Vikram should have died in a fire in 2026.

But all three have been given a second chance—to work for an agency that no one knows exists. Its purpose: to prevent time travel destroying history...

WARNING: This wiki contains spoilers about the series. If you have not read every book in the series yet, please be aware that some major plot points may be spoiled for you while reading the wiki.

TimeRiders is a series of young-adult science-fiction novels written by Alex Scarrow. The series follows Liam O'Connor, Madelaine Carter and Saleena Vikram as they are saved from death by a mysterious man and recruited into an agency that prevents time from being "contaminated".

Alongside the three, are the two support units, Bob and Becks, their supercomputer OS, Computer-Bob, Rashim Anwar, a scientist from the future, and his lab unit SpongeBubba.


Get inside the head of Madelaine Carter as she writes a blog about their life while not fixing time contaminations, or joyriding through chaos space to historical events.
